Cleantouch Free English to Urdu Dictionary (7.0) Cleantouch Free English to Urdu Dictionary : A handy and seamlessly easy to use application that allows you to find out the translation of certain words from English to Urdu License: Demo Size: 59.7 MB KB
Adobe Shockwave Player for IE/Other The Adobe Shockwave Player plugin is a file playback software developed by the Adobe Director software, just like the Adobe Flash Player plug-in for playing back files created by Adobe Flash Pro software. License: Shareware Size: 13 MB KB
AutoFlight (DEV64c PreAlpha) AutoFlight : Control your AR.Drone using your PC. License: GNU Public License Size: 64.4 MB KB
Fitness Timer (1.2.0) Fitness Timer : A simple-to-handle and portable program that helps you with your personal fitness training sessions, while offering support for sound notifications for the stress or relax phases License: Freeware Size: 777 KB KB
Periodic Table of the Elements (1.0.1) Periodic Table of the Elements : Check out the periodic table of elements and get information about each element, such as name, symbol, atomic number, atomic weight, and valence License: Freeware Size: 335 KB KB
Age Calculator Age Calculator : A simplistic and portable program that allows you to check out your age at a certain date in the future and copy data to the clipboard License: Freeware Size: 12 KB KB