Download Khi 3  1

A super Computer! Math, finances, statistics, combinative, factorials, calculations of dates, curves y=f(x), series, units conversions, calendars conversions (Gregorian, Julien,republican), Triangle interactive geometry, Pi calculation (10.000 digits) and statistical approach, Fourier series, Taylor developments, functions : Gamma, Bessel, Bernoulli, Fisher, prime numbers, fractionals, factorization, calculations on complex numbers, equations solver, famous curves and surfaces, quadrics, orthodromy andloxodromy, currencies rates, amounts in letters, Romans.Elements, Molar masses calculation, physical and chemical constants.

App Name: Khi 3
App Version:  1
Downloads: 223
Price: Not specified
File size: 7.26 MB
File Name: khi3.msi
Last updated: 03/12/2019
Requirements: Not specified
Download Time: 2.45 min at 768 kbps
Download Status Active

Khi 3  1

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