Download ButtonTalk  1.4.1

ButtonTalk is an easy to use tool for creating interactive fiction. It may also be useful for documentation, for scripts or prototypes of interactive products and for exploring ideas for traditional fiction. My goal is to examine some notions of how writers can create interactive fiction and what the possibilities are. My method is to give you a simple and powerful authoring tool that lets you create finished products. ButtonTalk lets you export the documents you create in ButtonTalk into HTML format.

App Name: ButtonTalk
App Version:  1.4.1
Downloads: 215
Price: Not specified
File size: 73 KB
File Name: buttontalk141.hqx
Last updated: 03/10/2019
Requirements: Not specified
Download Time: 0.02 min at 768 kbps
Download Status Active

ButtonTalk  1.4.1

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