A.S. Football Play Editor 1.0
A.S. Football Play Editor : Develop football strategies, create players using different shapes and colors, display and print multiple play backgrounds, and print dataA.S. Football Play Editor is a lightweight Windows educational program developed to help you organize football games, design play strategies, and keep track of players.
User-friendly looks
The intuitive working environment allows easy tracking of all football games, play strategies and players. A small preview panel reveals the corresponding player or play.Create playbooks
Playbooks are used for storing all game sessions in a single place. You may define a new one by specifying the name and adding plays in the main panel using the drag-and-drop support.Define game strategies
You can design multiple game strategies, so-called plays, by providing a name and dragging and dropping players onto the desired position in the field.In addition, you may build up routes, pick the route color from several preset options (black, red, blue and yellow), choose the route style (solid or dash-dot), select the starting point (top or bottom of the player), as well as modify the end of the line used for tracing the route (arrow, ‘T’ or none).A.S. Football Play Editor lets you show or hide the names, pick the preferred background type (half or full field, 30 yards, grass, whiteboard), end or delete routes, and copy plays to the clipboard.Monitor multiple players and print data
You can keep track of multiple players and create a new one by specifying the player’s number or abbreviated position and selecting its shape representation in the field (circle, square or triangle) and color (red, blue or yellow).Printing options are available for playbooks and game strategies. Tests have revealed that A.S. Football Play Editor carries out a task quickly and without errors. It remains friendly with system resources, so the overall performance of the computer is not hampered.Bottom line
All in all, A.S. Football Play Editor implements a basic feature pack for helping you define your football games and manage players, and is suitable especially for less experienced users.Conclusion
To conclude A.S. Football Play Editor works on Windows operating system(s) and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. A.S. Football Play Editor download file is only 1.2 MB in size.A.S. Football Play Editor was filed under the General Education category and was reviewed in softlookup.com and receive 5/5 Score.
A.S. Football Play Editor has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck A.S. Football Play Editor when updated to assure that it remains clean.
A.S. Football Play Editor user Review
Please review A.S. Football Play Editor application and submit your comments below. We will collect all comments in an effort to determine whether the A.S. Football Play Editor software is reliable, perform as expected and deliver the promised features and functionalities.Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 520 - Score - 5/5
Softlookup.com 2023 - Privacy Policy
Category: | General Education |
Publisher: | Michael R. Arlt & Justin M. Schultz |
Last Updated: | 22/11/2023 |
Requirements: | Not specified |
License: | Freeware |
Operating system: | Windows |
Hits: | 2086 |
File size: | 1.2 MB |
Price: | Not specified |
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