Local Cooling 2.0

Local Cooling : A practical tool that intends to help you protect the environment by optimizing the computer electric consumption by altering the power saving parameters.

Local Cooling is a practical tool that intends to help you protect the environment by optimizing computer electric consumption. It estimates the power consumed by the main computer components and allows you to change the power saving parameters.

Oversees the power usage from the system tray

The application runs in the system tray and permanently monitors the computer usage in order to turn off certain components. You can quickly optimize the power usage by selecting one of the saving profiles available in the Settings window.Each profile changes the time interval for turning off the monitor, the hard disk or the computer. If you are not satisfied with the default settings, you can adjust the time interval according to your needs.

Schedule the app to manage the power settings

You have the option to choose between shutting down and hibernating your computer in order to reduce power consumption. The app enables you to prevent the shutdown if a certain program is running which is a practical feature if you are performing long operations that do not require your interaction.In the Settings window, you can access a short report about the important power consuming components such as the monitor, CPU or graphics card. These are automatically detected by the program which provides you with an estimate for each component.

Noticed issues

In our tests, the app correctly identified the components but failed to detect the monitor size and type. However, it turned off the monitor and the other components in the time interval specified in the power saving plan. The main window of Local Cooling displays the effects of the application by specifying the number of saved trees by applying one of the defined profiles. Although the calculation might be a little off due to the monitor detection issue, you should use this tool for reducing your impact on the environment.

Keywords : local cooling, localcooling, global warming, power consumption, shut down, shutdown, power save, power mode, power management, efficiency, energy consumption, PC usage, optimize, environment, greenhouse effect, energy efficiency


To conclude Local Cooling works on Windows operating system(s) and can be easily downloaded using the below download link according to Freeware license. Local Cooling download file is only 3.9 MB  in size.
Local Cooling was filed under the General category and was reviewed in softlookup.com and receive 5/5 Score.
Local Cooling has been tested by our team against viruses, spyware, adware, trojan, backdoors and was found to be 100% clean. We will recheck Local Cooling when updated to assure that it remains clean.

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Popularity 10/10 - Downloads - 1357 - Score - 5/5

Softlookup.com 2023 - Privacy Policy

Category: General 
Publisher: Uniblue Systems
Last Updated: 6/11/2023
Requirements: Windows 10 64 bit / Windows 10 / Windows 8 64 bit / Windows 8 / Windows 7 64 bit / Windows 7
License: Freeware
Operating system: Windows
Hits: 2801
File size: 3.9 MB 
Price: Not specified

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