BurnPad ( ShinyPower - act as a proof of concept application using C# to run powershell commands License: Time-limited Trial Size: 3.63 MB
Jot-It (1.2) Werewolf is a free widget that displays a werewolf which wanders around your screen randomly License: Freeware Size: 9 KB
Notebook Report Writer (2.3.0) Notebook Report Writer shows you exactly how your text will appear when printed License: Shareware Size: 1.07 MB
RegexSearch (4.1) RegexSearch : Perform find-and-replace searches for specified text or a regular expression on multiple text files, include or exclude files from the search, and check out the occurrences of the target expression within each file in a scroll License: GNU Public License Size: 814 KB KB
FCKeditor (2.4.2) FCKeditor is a WYSIWYG editor THAT brings to the web much of the power of desktop editors like MS Word License: GNU Public License Size: 1 MB
Willy's Htmlpad (2.09) Willy's Htmlpad software represents a relatively simple and easy to use text editor License: Freeware Size: 901 KB