- Help File Tools

Help File Tools Apps – Download Free Help File Tools Applications

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  All Categories: Programming >> Help File Tools
  Software titles : 1-25 of  111 found.
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1 - HTMLHelp ePublisher  v1.0
lets you create a Microsoft HTML Help format and standard HTML electronic document.
License: Freeware    OS: Windows 95/98/Me    Size: 824 KB
  02/25/2019 Download Now
2 - Hex Edit
Hex Edit : Easy-to-use and reliable hex editor with an intuitive interface, rich features and configuration parameters, catering to advanced users
License: Freeware    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000    Size: 9.9 MB KB
  02/24/2019 Download Now
3 - Web2HTMLHelp Compiler  v1.0
is a wizard-driven program that converts your Web pages or HTML documentation into Microsoft HTML Help format files.
License: Freeware    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT    Size: 193 KB
  03/01/2019 Download Now
4 - Microsoft HTML Help Workshop  v1.32
lets you create Windows Help (HLP) files as well as Web pages that use Help-style navigational controls.
License: Freeware    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000    Size: 3 MB
  03/12/2019 Download Now
5 - helpMATIC Pro HTML
Helpmatic Pro HTML : Helpmatic Pro HTML was designed to be a powerful yet very easy to use application for developing HTML Help files
License: Time-limited Trial    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000    Size: 7.1 MB KB
  02/24/2019 Download Now
6 - HelpScribble
HelpScribble : Straightforward and simple-to-use application that enables you to create Windows Help files, without affecting your system’s performance
License: Demo    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000    Size: 7.7 MB KB
  20/11/2023 Download Now
7 - VFILE  v2.5
is a hypertext display system that runs under DOS.
License: Shareware    OS: DOS    Size: 118 KB
  03/12/2019 Download Now
8 - Microsoft WinHelp 3 Compiler  v5.05
creates Windows Help (HLP) files that can be viewed in all versions of Windows.
License: Freeware    OS: Windows 3.1    Size: 229 KB
  03/03/2019 Download Now
9 - Microsoft HTML Help Installation and Update Package  v1.31
consists of an online help viewer, related help components, and a help authoring tool.
License: Freeware    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT    Size: 716 KB
  01/22/2019 Download Now
10 - Windows Help Designer Professional Edition  v2.2.3
is a WYSIWYG Windows Help editor.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000    Size: 4 MB
  02/01/2019 Download Now
11 - iPer3 Easy Web Editor STD  v3.2
is a versatile editor which allows you to create and maintain hypertexts with ease, both on- and off-line.
License: 30-day Trial    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000    Size: 3 MB
  03/02/2019 Download Now
12 - DocuPro
is an HTML documentation generator for Visual Basic.
License: Demo    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000    Size: 688 KB
  01/18/2019 Download Now
13 - iPer Hyper Publish PRO  v3.0.12
is a versatile editor for creating Internet pages, hypermedia CDs, manuals, e-books, hypertext, and much more.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000    Size: 4 MB
  01/05/2019 Download Now
14 - Help Pad  v2.6
is a tool for creating Windows 95 help files.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows 95/98/Me    Size: 1 MB
  03/12/2019 Download Now
15 - Easy CHM
Easy CHM : Convert HTM, HTML, MHT, Picture and other files to CHM Html help with the aid of this software solution that automatically generates table of contents
License: Time-limited Trial    OS: Windows 9X/ME/2K/XP/2003    Size: 2.9 MB KB
  02/24/2019 Download Now
16 - HtmlToHlp  v0.99a
is a conversion tool which translates HTML files to RTF.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000    Size: 2 MB
  01/07/2019 Download Now
17 - Paper Killer
Paper Killer : Create complex general and help documents, by using an array of advanced text and HTML editing options, and export the results in different file formats, depending on the situation
License: Time-limited Trial    OS: Windows 9X/ME/2K/XP/2003    Size: 3.9 MB KB
  02/24/2019 Download Now
18 - AnetHelpTool (16-bit)  v4.52
is a visual authoring system for creating Windows 3.x help files and HTML documentation.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows 3.1    Size: 2 MB
  01/27/2019 Download Now
19 - Fast-Help
Fast-Help : Easily allows you to generate a Windows Help File that produces HtmlHelp (.CHM), WinHelp (.HLP) files and other formats, with various detailed support options
License: Time-limited Trial    OS: Windows XP    Size: 23.1 MB KB
  02/24/2019 Download Now
20 - Word2Help
Word2Help : This utility is a publisher from Microsoft Word to Macromedia Dreamweaver
License: Freeware    OS: Windows    Size: 892 KB KB
  02/24/2019 Download Now
21 - HelpBuilder
HelpBuilder : Create help documentation on your computer in an effective manner by turning to this third-party software solution that packs an intuitive interface
License: Shareware    OS: Windows 9X/ME/2K/XP/2003    Size: 2.2 MB KB
  02/24/2019 Download Now
22 - Macrobject Word-2-CHM Converter
Word-2-CHM is a tool that can convert your Word documents into CHM help or CHM e-book. You can create CHM file easily without any HTML or CHM skills. Just prepare your Word document, and the CHM file will be created in seconds with a mouse click.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows    Size: 2671 KB
  03/06/2019 Download Now
23 - Windows HLP To RTF
Windows HLP To RTF : Designed to convert Microsoft Windows Help (*.HLP) to RTF
License: Demo    OS: Windows 9X/ME/2K/XP/2003    Size: 2.1 MB KB
  02/24/2019 Download Now
24 - WinCHM - help authoring software  3.23
Help authoring software. Create Help file, Create Web-based help, Create CHM file, Create printable pages, Create PDF manual easily and quickly.
License: Shareware    OS: Windows    Size: 1642 KB
  03/12/2019 Download Now
25 - Dr.Explain
Dr.Explain : A powerful and comprehensive software solution that allows users create complex Help manuals and export them to HTML, PDF, RTF, or CHM file format
License: Demo    OS: Windows XP    Size: 61.6 MB KB
  02/24/2019 Download Now

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